We all get it, it’s nice to be comfy especially when flying long-haul or cramming yourself into the cheapest seat possible with your knees around your ears.
One flight attendant has revealed that one popular outfit in particular gives her the ick, so you might want to cross this one off your list.
They say you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, but this flight attendant in particular is absolutely judging you by your outfit.
And it’s not just about covering up, either.

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Flight attendant Cher Killough hails from Texas, and she’s shared a TikTok about what your personal style tells her and her colleagues.
So, if you see the staff looking you up and down as you board, just know that an assumption is being made about you thanks to what you’ve chosen to wear that day.
She shared a video titled: “What I’m assuming about you based on the outfit that you’re wearing on the plane, coming from a five-year flight attendant”.
Be warned: she doesn’t hold back, and your favourite fit might just be in here.
If you’re a fan of Lululemon, Cher and her colleagues will be checking for a sizeable rock on your left hand.
She showed a Scuba top, saying the wearer is either ‘a middle schooler’ or dating someone with money.
Cher advises: “Ladies, if you’re single, get you one of these, because I swear this girl always has a massive rock on her finger!”
The top retails between £84 to £108.
A sundress and sandals might seem like a sensible choice, but apparently it’s a uniform for ‘organic moms’.
The flight attendant insists the wearer is ‘always a mom that has organic snacks in her bag – you know her pantry is always stocked and she’s as crunchy as can be.’
Surely it’s common knowledge not to wear a jumpsuit on a plane? After all, who wants to strip right down every time you need to use the facilities, as we all know how brutal air-con can be on board.
Cher says: “If you’re wearing a lounge romper, I’m assuming that you did not think this through because that top is going to be on the pee-soaked floor of the lavatory.”
Lovely, and so fragrant for your fellow passengers.
Super short shorts are also a big no, and not for the reason you might think.
Not an almond mom? You might want to give this one a miss (Getty Stock Images)
Rather than for being risque, Cher says it’s for hygiene concerns: “If you’re wearing denim shorts or bike shorts, I’m assuming that you do not realize how many diapers get changed on those seats and you probably wouldn’t care anyway.”
Joggers are a popular choice for flying in comfort, but the style you opt for tells them a lot about you: “Wide-leg sweatpants are always accompanied by the Louis Vuitton Neverfull or the Goyard bag, and you very much are that girl,” she advises.
If you prefer a more fitted style though, Cher says: “Cuff sweatpants, you just care about comfort, and that’s okay!”
TikTok viewers rushed to the comment section to share their thoughts: “Pants and closed toe shoes ALWAYS,” insisted one.
Another agreed with Cher’s thoughts about the luxury life: “Wide leg sweatpants and I have a Goyard”
However, one style icon insisted you should go above and beyond: “I always get fully dressed. That aisle is a damn runway.”
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Topics: Fashion, Plane Etiquette, TikTok, Travel, Style, Lifestyle

There a few scenarios that you get you thinking about people’s hygiene habits, and the way they act on a plane is probably going to be one of them.
Trapped in a tight space for hours on end seems to bring the worst out in people and their mannerisms, and flight attendants are inevitably picking up on this.
In fact, one flight attendant was so disturbed that she took to TikTok to share her pet peeves about passengers, who seemingly didn’t have any common courtesy or simple home training – and she didn’t shy away from anything.
Colorado-based Natalie Magee began her viral video by slamming passengers who don’t wash their hands after going to the toilet – come on people.
In all fairness, that is something that applies in or out of a plane, as she went on he rant, saying that there are ‘so many’ pet peeves.
Apparently, some people don’t even shut the bathroom door, with others leaving a mess, then flushing without washing because well, they can hear that.
It’s not just the hand hygiene that is bugging Natalie, though.

This particular habit irks the cabin crew. (Getty Stock Photo)
Yep, she revealed that she hates when people head for the airplane loo without their shoes on.
One viewer agreed, commenting: “Please, nobody take their shoes off at all! Disgusting.”
As a rule of thumb, Natalie said: “We would love it if people treated the space as their home and were tidy and respectful.”
In fairness, that might be part of the problem.
We all like slobbing it up a bit when we’re at home, don’t we?
This isn’t the first time that Natalie has let rip on flyers, as she previously railed against people who vaped in the bathroom.
Branding sneaky smokers as ‘douche canoes’, she went on to say: “You are going to mess up a lot of people’s day because you were selfish.”
She also slammed passengers who change their baby’s nappies on the food tray – seriously.

Some change their baby’s poopy diapers up on the same table that they eat on. (Getty Stock Photo)
Hygiene issues aside, I’m not quite sure how a baby can be comfortably positioned on those things.
I can barely fit my sandwich, coke and crisps on there without feeling precarious.
So on the whole, people have a lot of audacity when it comes to flying.
Viewers were horrified and continued to express their agreement with Natalie’s pet peeves in the comments.
One person wrote: “Can’t believe people do any of these”, while another commented: “Everything on the list is basically common sense and common courtesy. As a society, have we strayed so far? Just incredible.”
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Topics: Travel, TikTok, Plane Etiquette

Although a fashionable airport outfit is a priority for most holidaymakers, you also need that to ensure it’s practical, comfortable and suitable for a day of flying around and dragging your suitcase along with you.
But it turns out that wearing what may be the most popular component of a trendy travel ensemble – a classic loose-fitted t-shirt – is a cardinal sin, according to this flight attendant.
Andrea Fischbach, who is a member of American Airlines cabin crew, has seen all sorts of attire onboard an aircraft over the years, so she knows a thing or two about fashion faux pas on a flight.
Thankfully, she has been able to benefit from other people’s mistakes by making a note of all the worst things you could wear while travelling – like tight-fitted clothing, high heels, or excessive jewellery and accessories.
Andrea explained that these just end up being an inconvenience in the end and can often cause hold-ups at security, so it’s best to go for a minimal look while you’re making your way to another country.
However, she warned that you should never just chuck on a t-shirt for the sake of simplicity – as it could have some pretty gruesome consequences if things go awry while your flying through the air.

The flight attendant explained why short sleeves are a big no-no in her book (Getty Stock Photo)
The flight attendant told whowhatwear.com: “I travelled a lot growing up, and one rule my mother made me follow, that I continue to follow to this day, is to always have my body covered.
“Emergency slides are not fun to go down and hurt – a lot – and it’s not a smooth landing once you reach the end of the slide. The more you cover the surface of your skin, the more protection for your largest organ.”
Which is exactly why she opts to wear long sleeves and pants when she’s flying for pleasure.
Andrea explained that although it might sound silly, being covered in as much fabric as possible to protect your skin can really make a difference when you are evacuating an aircraft or in the midst of an emergency.
She also advised holidaymakers to leave items with a fringe or that may be made from flammable materials at home when your jetting off somewhere, as they are a fire hazard.

Andrea explained you want your skin covered in the majority of emergency scenarios (Getty Stock Photo)
She continued: “Going a bit extreme here, but there is always a risk with long fringe should the plane have a fire.
“While our uniforms have polyester in them, I always wonder and worry myself that they could be a hazard if they got too close to extreme heat and melt on us.”
As well as this, Andrea reckons you should pack any restrictive clothing in your suitcase rather than wearing it for your flight, as if you experience swelling during the journey, a tight-fitted outfit could slow your blood flow down.
“If you are tall, travel a lot, or are on a long flight, this is extremely important because you face the risk of developing DVT,” she added, referencing deep vein thrombosis.
DVT occurs when a blood clot forms in one or more of the deep veins in the body – usually in the legs – which can cause leg pain or swelling.
“It’s very important to be able to move around a bit in your seat – very difficult, I know – and keep your blood flowing,” she reminded passengers.
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Topics: Travel, Fashion, Style, Health, Plane Etiquette

Waking up at 5am for work, no thanks.
But waking up at 5am to go the airport, yes please.
For many of us, that anticipation when you arrive at the airport is almost as exciting than the holiday itself.
The date that’s been pencilled in your diary for weeks has finally arrived and slipping into some comfortable clothing is what most of us like to do before takeoff.
For guys that’s usually chill pants and a hoody.

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And for women it can be crop tops, oversized t-shirts, paired with some laid-back leggings or yoga pants.
However, according to aviation expert Christine Negroni, it’s important to check what the materials your plane outfit are made out of prior to boarding.
She claims that wearing leggings could actually be a safety hazard due.
“You might have to escape through a cabin fire or there could be a separate fire on the ground once you leave the aircraft,” she explained to The Sun.
“Everyone is wearing yoga pants on planes now, but I avoid all artificial fibres because they are more likely to burn and stick to you if there is a fire.
“I’d advise wearing cotton clothes or anything made of natural fibres.”

She also urged travellers to not take their socks or shoes off during a flight, adding: “One of the best things people can do is put their shoes on for take-off and landing. This is still not required by many airlines and I think it ought to be.
“If you escape an aircraft, the floor could be very hot or cold, it might be covered in oil or on fire, or in a cornfield – you won’t want to be barefoot.
“Mainly err on the side of caution. Pick sneakers over high heels, pick natural fibres over synthetic, and take tight-fitting clothes over loose-fitting.”
Now, a flight attendant – who goes by @tommycimato on TikTok – has also warned not to wear shorts onboard, but for a different reason.
He said: “Don’t or try not to wear shorts when you’re on an airplane. It’s the same thing as the window, you never know how clean it’s gonna be, so if you have pants, you’re gonna have less germs.”

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Reeling off a list of other plane tips, he added: “Do not ever touch the flush button with your bare hands. It’s honestly just super unsanitary and pretty gross, so when you flush, use a napkin or tissue that’s in the lavatory.
“Don’t forget to drink water. Stay hydrated. You wanna have about 16oz for every flight you go on, so keep that in mind.
“Do not fall asleep or lean your head on the window. You are not the only that has done that and you don’t know how many people or children have wiped their hands or other things all over the window.
“Don’t feel afraid to let a flight attendant know if you’re feeling sick. So if you need food, water, or an air sickness bag, please feel free to let us know.”
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Topics: Plane Etiquette, Travel, Fashion

If you want to know how something works on a plane then ask a flight attendant, they’ll know what’s going on.
They know more about flying than you do so it’s worth listening to their advice and learning their ways so you’re not the problem passenger everybody dreads getting.
Over the years they’ve seen plenty of things that’d be considered unpleasant and know how to deal with the ups and downs of travel.
So when they say there’s one very definitely ‘evil’ thing which you must avoid at all costs it’s worth listening to the warnings.
It’s been named ‘the most heinous, evil, diabolical’ thing you can do on a plane by flight attendant Cher, who explained just what this evil thing was.

“Captain, he’s doing the top thing on the evil list again.” (Getty Stock Image)
Apparently the absolute worst thing you can do as a plane passenger is put any type of bottle containing liquid in the overhead luggage bin.
It sounds pretty innocuous at first but she had a good reason for thinking it was utterly diabolical.
Speaking in a video on TikTok, she said: “Every single time without fail that water bottle, as soon as we take off, is going to leak all inside the bin.
“Not only does that soak everybody else’s bags but the water always picks one person and it’ll follow a stream and completely dump out of the bin onto one person.”
There is a scientific reason for this, as the plane gets higher in the sky the change in pressure will cause the air in the cabin to expand, meaning that air trapped in bottles also expands and can push water out of what was previously assumed to be a watertight container.

Don’t even think about it, buckaroo… (Getty Stock Image)
All that water then sloshes around in what is likely a reasonably unhygienic part of the plane, not that there aren’t many of those, before dropping on someone to ruin their day.
So next time you’re on a plane and take a drink with you don’t stick it in the overhead storage.
Either hold it in your hands while you’re in your seat or have it in your hand luggage that you’ve got out with you.
That wasn’t the only thing on Cher’s diabolical list, as she said that flying while feeling sick took the silver medal.
If you know you’re not feeling well then it’s going to be worse once you’re up in the sky, at which point you’re trapped in a metal tube with a lot of people who didn’t pay through the nose to be a witness to your vomiting.
Nabbing the bronze medal on this list was ‘going to the bathroom during turbulence as a man’, and you can well imagine how that’d impact the aim of your urine cannon.